How to Create Delayed Charges and Delayed Credits

Mar 18, 2022
How to Create Delayed Charges and Delayed Credits

How to Create Delayed Charges and Delayed Credits in QuickBooks Online

A delayed charge creates a billable charge for a customer to be added to an invoice later. A delayed charge is a reminder to create an invoice (i.e., creating a delayed charge doesn’t actually create an accounting transaction in QuickBooks Online; it is non-posting). It keeps track of services provided to customers and it prompts you to remember to invoice them later. It can be brought in from the drawer on the right-hand side of an invoice.

Delayed credits are also non-posting. A delayed credit can be created if expecting returns or credits from customers. Once the return is received from the customer, the delayed credit can be included as a line on an Invoice, reducing the total amount of that invoice. It can be brought in from the drawer on the right-hand side of an invoice.

Use the Drawer to Bring In Billable Time and Costs

If billable time and costs were entered for a customer but not yet added to an invoice, the unbilled time and costs appear in the drawer on the right-hand side of the invoice screen once you type in the customer’s name field.

Click the Add button to add the unbilled charge to the invoice. To make changes to the unbilled charge or confirm adding it to the invoice being created, select Open. Select Add all to include several unbilled charges adding them all. If there are many possible items to enter but you wish to be selective, click the Filter by drop-down to select items to add based on dates.

Specifically create invoices for billable time and costs. Go to Sales on the left navigation bar and click the portion of the money bar called Unbilled Activity. A list of customers with unbilled time and costs will display. Click Start invoice in the Action column for that customer to create an invoice.

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Read this article to learn how to create more sales transactions.

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